Lope de Vega International School participates in the 7th Regional Session of the Model European Parliament. Four high school students from the school, led by teacher Juanjo Romero, took part in this latest edition of the Autonomous Session. This was held from 13 to 15 January at Torent Town Hall. At this event, more than 70 high school students experienced #MEP24.

Under the leadership of Grupo Sorolla Educación, part of the Board of Trustees Board MEP España, this regional session was held in the classrooms of Julio Verne School, with the collaboration of Caixa Popular;
Crucial issues at the Autonomous Session of the Model European Parliament
The European Parliament Model, developed by the San Patricio Foundation, seeks to foster awareness of European citizenship and the culture of parliamentary debate. In this edition, participants discussed crucial issues for the European Union:
- The mental health of young people.
- The ethics of artificial intelligence.
- Water scarcity and sustainable tourism.
Public speaking and languages at the Autonomous Session
These autonomous sessions allow students to put their public speaking and language skills into practice. Through the simulation of parliamentary sessions between students, whether at school, regional, national or European level, students have the opportunity to express their ideas, listen to those of their peers, dialogue, debate and reach consensus on various current issues. It is for them that the Lope de Vega decides to participate year after year in the Autonomous Session Model European Parliament.
Closing ceremony in “Les Corts Valencianes”
The assembly of delegates, together with the closing of the session, took place on Monday 15th January in the hemicycle of “Les Corts Valencianes”; During this event, Mr. Alfredo Castelló, First Vice-President of Les Corts Valencianes, praised the attitude and respect present in the debate; He stressed the importance of bringing young people closer to politics and the European Union as a supranational entity. He also highlighted parliamentarianism as the best approach to finding solutions to society’s problems.
Acting for the common good of society
Ramón Rodríguez, President of the MEP (Model European Parliament) Spain Board of Trustees, and Mayte Ramos, General Manager of the Sorolla Education Group cooperative, also spoke. Both stressed the importance of acting for the common good of society, prioritising understanding, dialogue, humility and generosity over individual interests.