Last November, a group of teachers from Lope de Vega International School undertook an enriching educational trip to the city of Reggio Emilia in Italy, taking advantage of Benidorm’s patron saint festivities. This destination is known not only for its historical charm, but also for being the birthplace of an innovative pedagogy that has captivated the world. The trip is part of the Erasmus+ project of the School, which not only subsidises and promotes the mobility of the student body, but also that of the teaching staff paReggio Emilia Children Lope de vegara their continuous training.

Reggio Emilia pedagogy
The internationally recognised Reggio Emilia pedagogy stands out for its artistic approach to educational methodologies. The fundamental premise is simple but powerful: an interested child has a greater predisposition to assimilate concepts; Therefore, the way of learning is always based on the individual interests of the children.
Continuous training
During the visit, our teachers participated in various workshops and activities, immersing themselves in the richness of this methodology. Observation and experimentation were the fundamental pillars, fostering creativity both individually and collectively.
They also explored the links between mechanics and pedagogy in Reggio Children, and discovered the endless possibilities that puppets can bring to the educational environment thanks to the Fondazione Famiglia Sarzi.
The aim of this fascinating journey goes beyond the individual experience; it seeks to enrich the vision of our teachers in order to expand the possibilities and potential of our students in the classroom; The goal is to make each of them shine in their own light, respecting and celebrating their diversity.
This trip represents a further step in our ongoing commitment to provide quality education, inspired by best practice worldwide. We continue to move forward together into the educational future with fresh and enriching perspectives!