Lope de Vega International School participates in the National Debate League in Malaga; The 11th Cánovas National School Debate Tournament took place on the weekend of 17 and 18 February; in the facilities of the Euro-Latin American Youth Centre (CEULAJ) in Mollina, in the province of Malaga. The topic around which the question revolved was: “Should mobile phones be banned for children under the age of 16?.

More than a hundred participants
The event, in which a team from the Lope de Vega school took part, made up of 5 students from the 1st year of Bachillerato, brought together more than a hundred participants from the 3rd year of ESO to the 2nd year of Bachillerato, from schools all over Spain, promoting educational aspects, coexistence and self-improvement.

Participation in tournaments
This participation of Lope de Vega in the National Debate League is the third participation of the school in debate tournaments this year, as in December it took part in the Montpellier Debating Tournament and in January in one of the tournaments of the Debate League Europe’s largest, organised by CICAE and the Camilo José Cela University, qualifying for the final phase.
Public Speaking and Debate
With this activity, included in the extracurricular “Public Speaking and Debate” offered by the school, pupils improve the way they express and communicate, as well as their critical thinking.
IV LDV . Debate Tournament.
The fourth edition of the LDV Debating Tournament will take place in April, on the 19th and 20th of April. It is a competition organised and held at the Lope de Vega International School itself. Last year’s edition was about regulating the prices of basic goods and commodities in the face of spiralling inflation. The winner was the Arenas Atlántico School from the Canary Islands.