Nursing service

At Lope de Vega International School we have Ana Hoyo, full-time school nurse.
Ana prevents, assists and treats accidents, illnesses or allergies; It also safeguards, stores and supplies the necessary medication.
But it also does important work in terms of health promotion. Its commitment ranges from first aid training for teachers and students to promoting healthy eating, blood donation campaigns and disease prevention.
Ana is currently in charge of all aspects of the health of our educational community at the school; Lope de Vega International School. This includes different areas:
• Attending any accidents that may occur, managing the whole process.
• Supervise the special diets of students who require it.
• Administers medication in case of medical prescription either acutely or chronically, and without medical prescription always under parental or legal guardian consent in case of pain;
• Prevents, detects and follows up different health problems that may occur during the school day, advising parents, the school and other health professionals when more specialised health care is needed.
• We work with the school nursing platform SNapp. The platform allows for greater security and confidentiality of data, portability of the student’s medical history and report, the registration of pathologies and the dispensing of medicines. Also secure communication with families.
• It provides health training.
In the school we have AED:Automated External
We have pediatric electrodes and electrodes for adults, in case there is a cardiorespiratory arrest at school. In other words, we are a Cardioprotected center.
Our school nurse, Ana Hoyo, has a Diploma in Nursing from the UPV-EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián.
Her working life began in 2006 Since then she has worked as a hospital nurse in several hospitals of the Osakidetza network, mainly in the Emergency Department, and privately as an operating room nurse.
Throughout all these years she has been continuously training in various areas such as pediatric emergencies, gynecological emergencies, International Trauma Life Support and traumatology, among others.
She has also been a collaborating researcher in a study entitled “Assessment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection in patients born between 1945 and 1965 (Babyboomers). OSIBB17/007” presented at the XLI Basque-Navarre Meeting of Digestive Pathology, which won the first prize for the best oral communication.