Psychopedagogy Service

Its function is to provide a support service to students, families and tutors, favoring the full development of the student’s personality, according to their abilities and interests.
The action of the department is directed to the following areas:
- The support to the teaching-learning process.
- The academic and professional orientation plan.
- The values formation plan.
Its function is to provide a support service to students, families and tutors, favoring the full development of the student’s personality, according to their abilities and interests.
The action of the department is directed to the following areas:
- The support to the teaching-learning process.
- The academic and professional orientation plan.
- The values formation plan.
Interdisciplinary team
of professionals
of the department
Eva Pedreño, psychologist and sociologist.
External collaborators:
Psychopedagogues, speech therapists, optometrists
and specialists in special education.

- To prevent the appearance of maladjustments and school failure. Early detection of the student’s school difficulties
- Socio-psychopedagogical evaluation of students with difficulties and planning of the recovery program.
- School, vocational and/or professional orientation of the student.
- Advice and technical support to teachers in socio-psychopedagogical matters.
- Advice and guidance to families
- Promote spiritual formation in the educational community.
- Advice to the General Management on aspects that favor the achievement of the center’s general objectives.
Key actions
- Values formation plan
- Personal Improvement Plan for students
- Guidance to students, parents and tutors
- Coordination and advice in ACIS
- Project A.D.I. (Aid for the Development of Intelligence)
- Project A.R. of High Performance
- Study, vocational and professional orientation plan.
- School for parents
- Plan of coexistence of the Center.
- Neurological tests.
- Conducting tests of competencies and learning skills.
- Coordination with tutors and external professionals, in cases of intervention.
- Management and monitoring of preventive plans.
ADI Project
ADI Project The A.D.I. Project of Support and Development of Intelligence is a program designed to optimize school performance from the areas of neuropsychological functioning to mental abilities and their relationship with the curricular areas. This project is directed and advised by the Institute of Neuropsychology and Education of Fomento Centros de Enseñanza.
The difficulties presented by the students (vision, hearing, motor skills, speed and reading comprehension, writing, language, etc.), must be identified and corrected in order to achieve a full development of the student’s personality. To this end, the neuropsychological and instrumental learning evaluations carried out in the A.D.I. project detect the problems that negatively affect the student’s school development.
Once the student’s difficulties have been identified, specific training programs are carried out for each area to be recovered.
- A.D.I. I: Neuropsychological areas related to vision, hearing, touch, motor skills, language and memory are exercised and related to the different curricular areas.
- A.D.I. II: Reinforcement of the previous phase and incorporation of thinking skills programs, basic instrumental learning techniques, study and spelling techniques, etc… 100% of the students who have carried out the different programs of Project A.D.I. have improved their neuropsychological levels for learning, self-esteem and personal safety.
Proyecto A.R.
The AR Project aims to:
- Give a quality educational response to students with intellectual talent and giftedness.
- That they learn to be aware of their abilities and to enjoy them.
- To broaden their knowledge and skills and to be able to apply ideas and issue critical opinions.
- To promote a learning style that helps to foster and mature the creative thinking of students, working on their awareness of the artistic and cultural world and developing their social skills and teamwork.
The following areas are worked on: intellectual, social and cooperation, creative literature, scientific world, art and culture and inventions, using the following means: digital blackboard, Internet and specific material.
The project is coordinated by the Neuropsychology Institute of the Villanueva University Center (attached to the Complutense University of Madrid).