principles declaration
Our principles define us. They guide our lines of work and provide solidity to our teaching system, for more than 50 years. At Lope de Vega International School we are leaders in education, nationally and internationally. We fulfill our objective of making the personal and professional lives of our students a reality, of whom we are very proud.

The best possible education option. Where, in a holistic way, training, skills and competencies are brought together. In such a way, that our students discover their vocation and talents, and achieve a full life, with the ability to direct their own future, successfully.
It is the answer to why we exist, which is none other than: To offer an education based on 5 pillars, as defined by the Founder, D. Juan Fuster Zaragoza, which coincide with the desirable formation for the citizens of the XXI Century:
1.- Internationality. We integrate into our identity the different languages and cultures of the world.
2.- Well-being. We take care of our educational community from the physical, mental, social and spiritual health.
3.-Values. Based on spiritual intelligence, integrating the values of the main monotheistic religions with our Christian vision of transcendence.
4.- Critical and creative thinking, at the service of character formation and self-knowledge.
5- Universal love. Care for the environment and all living creatures of the planet.
Our values are guided by the six basic universal virtues of the human being, recognized by all cultures:
Wisdom and Knowledge
These are the ones that inspire our students’ exit profile, as the objective towards which our methodology and integral vision of education converge.
To maintain our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation by managing educational and technological challenges as allies for the development of the student’s identity, personal skills and the common good.
At Lope de Vega International School, our ultimate goal is to fulfill the commitment made to families to provide the necessary means for all students to achieve the traits described in the exit profile of the student body.
A decalogue that covers the life skills that students acquire, after passing through the different educational stages and our Educational Project in which all members of our educational community are involved.

sgi policy
Our Integral Quality Management System has as its main objective “to ensure continuous improvement, excellence in the provision of educational services and compliance with current legislation in all areas of management of the Institution”.
We place special emphasis on the fulfillment of its educational promise or purpose:
To develop the exit profile in each of our students.

As well as the legality in force expressed in:
– The Educational legislation.
– The Data Protection Law.
– The Law of Labor Risks.
– Health legislation.
– Environmental protection legislation.
– The application of Penal compliance, the Manual of good practices and the school coexistence protocol.
This management policy establishes a framework of action that involves the entire educational community in the main objective of this system, providing it with quality and sustainable resources to meet the unwavering commitment established in the exit profile of the students.