
At Lope de Vega International School we provide our students with all the tools to help them achieve the language skills necessary to opt for the training or employment options they desire.
One of them is the European exchange An experience that will not only provide a better knowledge of the language but will also act in favor of personal development.
The exchange offers the possibility to consolidate the knowledge of the language and to learn new words, colloquial uses… and also to pronounce correctly. Learning through an immersive experience will allow students to develop skills that will accompany them throughout their lives.
Studying and living in another country will make them put their daily life into perspective and their mind will also consider ‘home’, places that until now were only in their imagination.
Proyecto Erasmus+
Enriching lives, opening minds

Building Skillful Thinking in Children+
Learn explore and assess how thinking key competences work
“Lifelong learning” is a matter of building knowledge from previous experiences.
That is why Ramsta and Lope de Vega schools, after working together in merging two teaching-learning methods of higher-order thinking strategies (Thinking-Based Learning and Socratic Seminar), have decided to continue with this unique adventure. The findings have turned out to be of such relevance, that it has made us feel that we have a responsibility to relate them to a clear scientific basis..
Within the next two years, and with the help of the Ignite Research Institute in Sweden, we will develop the “Plan for Research and Evaluation of School Development with TBL and Socratic Seminars”, using Participatory Research and Continuous Evaluation as research methods.
This will allow students and teachers to participate in the research process and we believe it will give a new dimension to the student’s role as co-protagonist in designing the elements that will constitute the “essence” of his or her own learning process.
The project “Building Skillful Thinking in Children+: learn, explore and assess how thinking key competences work” is co-funded by the Erasmus + programmeof the European Union; The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CE Lope de Vega SAU and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Learn, explore and assess how thinking key competences work
Project Documentation

School+ Project
Sustainable, creative, high tech, openminded, outside the box learning
We all agree with the idea that our school must be an organization that focuses on the uniqueness of the individual and the potential for autonomy.
Furthermore, we believe that learning is not a product of teaching, but of the activity of the learners. Our main focus is to implement all these life-changing beliefs in the educational process, spaces, curriculum and methodology.
But why not push the boundaries further? Let the students become the designers of their own future, as they are the ones who will live it.. Our first task as teachers is to help and facilitate the process, to make them feel that they can assert themselves, push their interests, express their opinions, take the risks and the challenge.
School members will actively participate in the process through various activities via the eTwinning platform.
The “S.C.H.O.O.L. Sustainable, Creative, High-tech, Open-minded, Outside the box Learning ” project is co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of CE Lope de Vega SAU and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Documentation
Proyecto Erasmus yes+
Youth Empowering Society (2018-2020)
The previous Y.E.S. project focused mainly on skills that will enable people to be able to take charge of their own lives.
The project paid special attention to communication, thinking and action skills, through which it sought to awaken their sense of entrepreneurship in both personal and professional facets.
In the new YES+ project, we try to take everything further and focus on the individual as a social entity and citizen of the world. A world in constant change that we have to face. We will study the changes that are taking place and we will try to present options that lead to the acceptance of these changes with social inclusion as a banner.
Phase 1.
Launching of the project, presentation and activities that help students to identify the current situation, become aware of it and highlight the importance of social cohesion. Speakers from the University of Alicante and external collaborators will lead the activities.
Phase 2.
We bring entrepreneurship, which we emphasized in the previous project, to the social area
. We work with stories about real immigrants. From them we will create the lyrics of a song and from them we will also create “bookmarks” that will spread the feelings that these stories awaken in us.
Phase 3.
The action phase. In this phase we will create a unit to be included in the educational curriculum of each country. It will be a multidisciplinary unit based on entrepreneurship and social cohesion. It will also be sustainable and, therefore, will last over time.
We will end up presenting the whole project as a documentary, including the lyrics of the song, the multidisciplinary unit and all the results we have obtained during these two years, which will surely be very interesting and enriching.

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erasmus + exchanges?
Contact us and we will attend to you personally