Lope de Vega International School celebrates peace and says “no” to violence

Lope de Vega International School celebrates peace and says “no” to violence. Every January 30th students and teachers of the school remember the importance of living in a peaceful world.

“Peace is the way”

The Indian peace leader Gandhi said that “there is no way to peace: peace is the way”. This is the anniversary of Gandhi’s death. This leader fought for the rights of the Indian people by methods of peaceful resistance and by promoting non-violence. On 30 January 1948 he was assassinated by a young radical.

The Lope de Vega celebrates peace

More than 700 children from Lope de Vega have attended an event in which some of the pupils have prepared a series of performances for the occasion. From Children and Primaryto ESO and Baccalaureate, This Tuesday, 30th January, they met in the courtyard of the Educational Centre where the young artists creatively, with dances, songs, games, poems and reflections have shown in a fun and entertaining way “the way of seeing peace and non-violence”.

The finale was a beautiful rendition of John Lennon’s song Imagine.

Tolerance, respect and solidarity

Peace Day, with its theme of non-violence, conflict resolution and coexistence, is worked on at all levels of the school to promote values such as tolerance, respect and solidarity.

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