training cycle
administrative management technician (TGA)
The Technician in Administrative Management (TGA) is aimed at young entrepreneurs, giving special treatment to the family business (symbol of our productive apparatus) to help ensure its continuity and succession.
To create your own business or to be able to work in any public or private company, performing administrative support activities in the labor, accounting, commercial, financial and tax fields, as well as customer/user service.
- Hold a diploma of Compulsory Secondary Education.
- To have passed the 2nd year of BUP.
- Possession of a 1st Degree VET qualification or other equivalent qualification.
- By means of the entrance exam to the Intermediate Level (for this, you must be 17 years old or be 17 years old in the year in which the exam is taken).
- Extensive professional experience of the teaching staff.
- Classroom workshop, where we will develop “learning by doing“. Students will be able to put into practice the knowledge they acquire through the companies that will be present at the event.
- Possibility of combining this cycle with the dual baccalaureate (Spanish/American).
- Didactic seminars where we will promote the values of effort, sacrifice and teamwork, including practices with the sailing boat of the C.I. Lope de Vega (Platú 25);
- Conducting workshops on online sales, how to draw up a market study and how to turn an idea into a business, (model of the Jumping Clay franchise).
- Training in Business English with the possibility of taking courses in England for further training.
- Financing the cycle by working in the companies in the workshop classroom.
Competition for the development and implementation of new ideas. - Job opportunities once you have completed your studies to gain access to the most important companies and institutions in the sector.
- Tools for making good decisions in real life through the course on critical and creative thinking.
- Internships in family businesses.
- High level of demand and training in values.
Theoretical classes
The most up-to-date bibliography is used and the most advanced digital resources are available.
Clases prácticas.
The participation of students in their own learning is encouraged, contextualising it with real situations that train them in all the necessary competences to “know how to do their job” from the very beginning.
Business communication and customer service (160 hours)
Administrative Operations of Buying and Selling (128 hours)
Business and Administration (96 hours)
Computer processing of information (224 hours)
Accounting technique (96 hours)
English (96 hours)
Training and Work Orientation (96 hours)
Time reserved for teaching in English (64 hours)
Human resources administrative operations (132 hours)
Treatment of accounting documentation (154 hours)
English (44 hours)
Company in the classroom (176 hours)
Auxiliary treasury management operations (154 hours)
Workplace Training (380 hours)
TOTAL: 2000 hours
During the programme family businesses in the province will be visited, where students will receive explanations from their managers as well as a guided tour of the facilities.
In addition, we have the presence of family entrepreneurs of recognised prestige from the province of Alicante to tell us about their own experience.
There will be the opportunity to participate in debates and round tables.
We also count on the advice of professionals specialised in family business consultancy.
- Administrative assistant.
- Office Assistant.
- Administrative assistant for collections and payments.
- Commercial administrative.
- Administrative assistant in personnel management.
- Administrative assistant for public administrations.
- Receptionist;
- Customer service employee.
- Treasury employee.
- Means of payment employee.

Do you want
learn more about
TGA education cycle?
Contact us and we will attend to you personally.