The students of Lope de Vega form a big pink ribbon for the fight against breast cancer. On 19 October, International Breast Cancer Awareness Day, the entire College mobilised for this cause by taking part in various activities.
Anémona Marina Baixa
It has been many years since Anémona Marina Baixa has been collaborating with the Lope de Vega International School, among other schools in the region, to raise awareness of this disease that affects one in twelve women.
Among the actions carried out, the association handed out scarves that the students were able to customise with messages, as well as wearing them when they made the big pink ribbon on the school playgrounds.
There was also the classic sale of solidarity t-shirts and the Lope de Vega school community was encouraged to take part in the solidarity race held on Sunday 22nd October, in which more than 6,000 participants filled the streets of Benidorm with pink.
Awareness-raising activities
In addition, the school’s students participated throughout the week in classroom activities and carried out various awareness-raising activities. From reflections and dialogues on what this disease entails and how it affects the population, to putting their thoughts into different posters and writings.
A big pink ribbon
Finally, on 19 October, the whole school was mobilised to make a big pink ribbon made by the students themselves, in three batches due to the number of students.
Infantil performed its loop on the tracks at the entrance to the stage. Also, together with the TSEI students, they created a mural with a pink ribbon using handicrafts.

Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate took the opportunity before their morning breaks to go out onto the school’s sports fields and line up all seated and dressed in their pink outfits.

En cuanto a Ciclos formativos, estos fueron los primeros en realizar esta acción aprovechando también su primer recreo.

All of this was possible thanks to the invaluable work and coordination of the Club de Jóvenes Solidarios LDV (LDV Youth Solidarity Club) who had been working on the proposal for weeks;