

Summer Camp pre-registration tutorial

PRE-REGISTRATION STEPS TO FOLLOW (For families who are not yet members of the school)

Please read all the steps in this tutorial carefully before you start filling in the pre-registration form.

– The payment of the enrolment fee reserves the place for the student, so refunds are NOT accepted unless duly justified and requested at least 3 days before the start date of the period in which the student has enrolled.
– No returns are accepted for the transport service.

Step 1: Fill in the pre-registration form. It is recommended to do this on a computer.

IMPORTANT: You have to fill in a pre-registration form for each child you want to enrol in the camp. The parent’s details must be the same for each pre-registration.

Step 2: Select onelanguage. By default the form will load in English.


Step 3: In section 1 Student application, mark the EXTRA Level (Extracurricular) where you can find the different Summer Camps.


Step 4: In the section Course we deploy the different options by clicking on the + sign of CV-Summer Campus.


Step 5: Select the Summer Campus for which you want to pre-register.

NOTE: In this same section you can select the canteen and cafeteria services. transport.

Step 6: Then click on the next button to go to the next section of Pupil Data.


Step 7: Fill in the compulsory student details together with the address details.


Step 8: Click on the Next button to go to the Tutor Details section


Step 9: Fill in all mandatory data of the first guardian (parent);


Step 10: Optionally fill in the details of the second guardian (father/mother).


Step 11: In the next section, bank details are requested. This is not necessary to fill in because the payment of the services will be made in our online shop by debit/credit card;

Step 12: In the last step we must indicate in the comments field the fortnight or month you are interested in (1st fortnight July, 2nd fortnight July, full month July, 1st fortnight August, 2nd fortnight August, full month August),

Click on “I am not a robot” and press the Save button.

If all fields have been filled in correctly, this screen will appear.

Once the pre-registration has been processed by the school secretary’s office, an email will be sent with instructions on how to access our online shop and purchase the Summer Campus services. Check your SPAM folder in case the mail arrives there.


This tutorial explains the steps to follow to purchase the services of the Summer Camp at Lope de Vega International School.

Step 1: Log in with your Alexia username and password and click on the log in button; If you have not yet received your username and password, please contact us at

– The payment of the enrolment fee reserves the place for the student, so refunds are NOT accepted unless duly justified and requested at least 3 days before the start date of the period in which the student has enrolled.
– No returns are accepted for the transport service.

Step 2: Once inside the platform, click on the Shop section in the My orders section.


Step 3: Select the student for whom we want to contract the campus.


Step 4: Select the Summer Camp service you want to hire; For the example, the Tennis Campus will be marked.


Step 5: Choose the service (fortnightly or monthly) and click on “Add to basket”.


Step 6: When you click on “Add basket” a window will appear to “View basket” or “Checkout”; If we click on View basket we will be able to see all the items we have added.

If we want to continue shopping we can access the tree on the left to access other Campus, dining and transport services.


Step 7: Click on the Checkout button to proceed to payment. A summary of what we are going to contract and the total price will appear.

Select the payment method “Card” by clicking on that option;

In observations we can comment on those aspects that we consider important (allergies, if they know how to swim, any illness) or any other aspect that they think the school should know about.

Finally we check the option “I have read and accept the general terms and conditions” and click on the button “Proceed to payment”.


Step 8: This information window appears for payment by credit card. Click on the “Close” button;


Step 8: Enter your card details in the secure payment gateway: card number, expiry date and security code.
To complete the process, click on the “Pay” button.
