This summer the agreement was signed by which Club Deportivo Lope de Vega became filial of CF Benidorm for the next season 2023/2024.
The signing took place on the premises of the public school on behalf of Jordi Bruixola, president of CF Benidorm and Vicente Fuster, president of Lope de Vega CD and owner of the Benidormí educational centre. An agreement, by which it is established that once the players of CD Lope de Vega finish the stage of Football 8 Alevín 2nd year, they will pass to CF Benidorm.
Vicente Fuster emphasised that “at the Lope de Vega we are continuing ourfirm and unrelenting commitment to sport. In this case we unite synergies to give our young sportsmen and women the best possible chances. We want to thank the new Board of Directors of CF Benidorm with its president Jordi Bruixola at the head, to be able to formalise initiatives like this that benefit us all, above all our players”.
CD Lope de Vega currently has 60 players divided between the Prebenjamines School, 2 Benjamines teams and 1 Alevín team for this coming 23-24 season.
For his part, the president of CF Benidorm,Jordi Bruixola wanted to emphasise that “it is an honour for us to have the support of such a renowned institution as the Lope de Vega International School. We would like to thank above all its president, Vicente Fuster, for his confidence in the project, extraordinary dedication and commitment to the sport of Benidorm, continuing the legacy of his father D. Juan Fuster Zaragoza”.

Campus CF Benidorm 2023
It is worth remembering that the Campus CF Benidorm 2023 was also held at the school’s facilities. It was the first camp organised by the team and took place between 31 July and 5 August. It took place in thesports facilities of the Lope de Vega International School and the Campos Antonio López (located in the same block).
Footballer David Villa actively participated in this first edition. The CF Benidorm Campus is aimed at boys and girls from 6 to 14 years old (from 8 years old in the internal modality), adapted to all levels and takes place in the spectacular facilities of the Lope de Vega International School and the Campos Antonio López de Benidorm. The Lope de Vega facilities have state-of-the-art synthetic football pitches, approved by the RFEF and UEFA.
On the other hand, the Campus applies the DV7 methodology, which is applied in David Villa’s international network of academies, the style of play he learned during his training period.
The participants also received an Adidas kit pack and, as well as training in sporting values, they enjoyed other sports and leisure activities, swimming pool, water games, etc., in addition to football.