Discover your capabilities;
Extra-curricular activities promote the full development of students’ personalities and abilities in a way that enables them to acquire, update, complete or extend their knowledge, skills, aptitudes and competences;
Extra-curricular activities favour the integral development of pupils because:
• Mejoran las relaciones interpersonales, les ayudan a adquirir habilidades sociales y de comunicación.
– They help them to achieve more autonomy and responsibility in the organisation of their free time;
– They encourage sensitivity and creativity;
– They promote a feeling of belonging to the group;
– They increase motivation and improve educational attainment;
At Lope de Vega International School we offer multiple and varied extracurricular activities; some directly related to the subjects taught in class and others of a more recreational nature with the aim of developing both the physical and mental aspects of the pupils, contributing to the balance of the person who has matured adequately all facets of the human being.
Below is a selection of the extracurricular activities offered by our school;
You can also download the full brochure.
We work to develop the pupil’s critical and creative thinking, with the early stimulation programme, our own project and materials, graphomotor skills, reading and writing, mathematics and music.
All of this is complemented by the use of ICT, education in values and the promotion of experiential and interactive activities.
This stage is the starting point of the project.
bilingual education with 70% of the classes
taught in English. This language is learned from
natural way with the reading and writing methodology
used in the United Kingdom(“Phonics”, “Read&Write Inc.”)
which allows for a five-year old to
be able to read and write in English;
Extracurricular activities;
language and mathematics plan
Our Infant Education Project – English and Spanish – is based on the development of five active principles that make learning possible.
These principles are based on the executive functions of the brain which are “complex mental activities necessary to plan, organise, guide, review, regulate and evaluate the behaviour needed to adapt effectively to the environment and to achieve goals” (Bauermeister, 2008) (Bauermeister, 2008);
Musical theatre
Musical theatre
- 2 days / week: 50€ per month
- Primary: Mondays and Wednesdays from 13 to 14h
- 1 day / week: 30€ month
- 5th and 6th Primary: Mondays from 13 to 14h
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Wednesdays from 13 to 14h
- 1 day / week: 25€ month
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- From 2 and a half years old: Monday to Thursday from 17.10 to 18.05 h or from 18.05 to 19.00 h
extracurricular swimming
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month (Primary only)
- 3rd to 6th Primary: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 14 to 15 h
- ESO and BACH:
Mondays and Thursdays from 17 to 18 h
competitive swimming
- 2 or 3 days / week: 45€ per month
- From 7 years old: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17.30 to 19h or from 19 to 20.30h : Tuesday and Thursday from 10.30 to 19.30h or from 19.30 to 20.30h
*Federative licence included;
Kick boxing
Kick boxing | Muay Thai
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
*Material costs are not included;
- From 12 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17 to 18
- From 13 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18 to 19h
- 2 sessions / week: 45€ month
3 sessions / week: 60€ month
* Material costs are not included;
- Children: Monday to Friday from 13 to 14h
- Primary: Monday to Friday from 14 to 15h
DANCE (academic, contemporary and modern)
- 1,5 hours / week: 40€ month
- 2 hours / week: 50€ per month
- 2,5 hours / week: 58€ month
- 3 hours / week: 65€ per month
- 4 hours / week: 75€ per month
- CHILDREN: Mondays and Wednesdays from 13 to 14h and from 17.45 to 18.30h.
- 1st and 2nd PRIMARY: Monday and Wednesday from 14 to 15h | Tuesday and Thursday from 17.30 to 18.30h
- 3rd and 4th PRIMARY: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13 to 14h | Mondays and Wednesdays from 18.30 to 20h
- 5th and 6th PRIMARY: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h and from 18.30 to 20h
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.30 to 20h
- 3rd, 4th ESO and BACH: Mondays and Wednesdays from 15.45 to 17.45h
- ADULTS: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15.45 to 17.15h
URBAN (funky and hip-hop)
- 1 hour / week 28€ month
- 1,5 hours / week 40€ month
- 1st and 2nd PRIMARY: Fridays from 13 to 14h
- 3rd and 4th PRIMARY: Fridays from 14 to 15h
- Professional and higher level: Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings
- Elementary level: Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings
LDV News
LDV News
- Free of charge;
- ESO and BACH: timetables to be determined;
LDV News is the school newsletter created by the students of Lope de Vega International School. Sus reporteros producen, mensualmente, reportajes de actualidad sobre temas que interesan no solo a la comunidad escolar sino a la sociedad en general. They also cover the most important events of the course.
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 4 and 5 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
- 1st to 3rd Primary: Wednesdays and Fridays from 14 to 15h
- 2 days / week:
- Cherub: 25€ per month
- Prebenjamín: 35€ per month
- Benjamín: 45€ per month
- Alevin: 45€ mes
- Cherub 2018/19/20: Mondays and Wednesdays from 17.30 to 19h
- Prebenjamín A 2016: Wednesday and Thursday from 17.30 to 19h
- Prebenjamín B 2017: Monday and Wednesday from 17.30 to 19h
- Benjamín 2014/15: Tuesdays and Fridays from 17.30 to 19h
- Alevín A 2012: Mondays and Thursdays from 17.30 to 19h
- Free of charge;
- Primary and ESO: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
School sport
Beach volleyball
School sport midday
- Free of charge;
- 3rd and 4th Primary: Multisport;
- From 5th Primary to 4th ESO: basketball, indoor football, handball and volleyball;
Beach volleyball
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3rd, 4th ESO and BACH: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16 to 17h
Karate-do | Shotokan
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- Primary: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17.15 to 18.15h
- From 12 to 16 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.15 to 19.15 h
- Adults: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 19 to 20h
Public speaking
Public speaking
- 1 hour / week: 28€ month
- 1,5 hours / week: 40€ month
- 5th, 6th Primary: Monday to Friday from 14 to 15h
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Monday to Friday from 13.30 to 15h
- 3rd, 4th ESO and BACH: Monday to Friday from 15.30 to 17h
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- Primary, 1st and 2nd ESO: Wednesdays and Fridays from 14 to 15 h
- 1 day / week: 25€ month
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- 4 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13 to 14h
- 5 years, 1st and 2nd Primary: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
- 3rd and 4th Primary: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 14 to 15h
- 5th and 6th Primary: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 13 to 14h
- ESO and BACH: timetables to be determined according to requests and groups;
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:00 to 15:00 h.
3rd, 4th ESO and Bachillerato: Monday to Friday from 15:30 h.
- 1 day / week: 25€ month
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- From 3rd ESO: Monday to Friday from 16h. Timetables and definitive days to be agreed upon request;
- 1 day / week: 25€ month
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- From 3rd Primary: Monday to Friday from 13.30h. definitive times and days to be agreed upon request;
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
*Material costs are not included;
- De 4 a 7 años: lunes y miércoles de 13 a 14h*Material costs are not included;
- From 7 to 12 years old: Mondays and Wednesdays from 14 to 15h
- 1 day / week: 25€ month
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 3 days / week: 60€ per month
- 3rd and 4th Primary: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
- 5th and 6th Primary: Mondays and Wednesdays from 14 to 15h.
- ESO and BACH: to be agreed upon request;
- Competitive tennis, padel and beach tennis
- From 17h
- 1 day / week: 25€ month (adults 40€)
- 2 days / week: 45€ month (adults 65€)
- Primary: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13 to 14h
- Adults: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19.30 to 20.30h
- 2 days / week: 50€ per month
- 3 days / week: 65€ per month
- 4th, 5th and 6th Primary: Mondays and Wednesdays from 14 to 15h
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
- Preparation for both students and external students for the Cambridge exams: KET (A2), PET (B1), FCE (B2, First) and CAE (C1);
*Intensive classes from November onwards;
- 2 days / week: 50€
- Preparation, for both students and external students, for the Alliance Française exams: B1 (times and prices from October) and B2 (times and prices from February);
- 1 hour / day: 150€ per month
- Morning and afternoon hours; For adults and children; Groups and timetables according to level;
- 2 days / week: 50€ per month
- 3 days / week: 65€ per month
- Primary: Monday to Friday from 14 to 15h
- Secondary: Monday to Friday from 13 to 14h
- 2 days/week: 50€ per month
- 1st and 2nd ESO: Mondays and Wednesdays from 14 to 15h
- 3rd and 4th ESO: Mondays and Wednesdays from 15.30 to 16.30h
- 1st BACH: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.30 to 17.30h
- 2nd BACH: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15.30 to 16.30h
- 2 days/week: 50€ per month
- 3rd and 4th ESO: Mondays and Wednesdays from 16.30 to 17.30h
- 1st BACH: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17.30 to 18.30h
- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- From 7 years old: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17 to 19h
MBA Kids
MBA Kids
- 4 sessions / 2h
- 1st quarter
- 7 to 12 years old (timetable to be agreed according to enrolment);
- 2 sessions /2h
- 2nd quarter
- 7 to 12 years old (timetable to be agreed according to enrolment);
- 2 sessions /2h
- 3rd quarter
- 7 to 12 years old (timetable to be agreed according to enrolment);
NOTE: more information at the College Reception;

- 2 days / week: 45€ per month
- 1st to 4th Primary: Mondays and Wednesdays from 14 to 15h
- 5th Primary to 2ndESO: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14 to 15h
Through the FIP Programme, we work on the development of fundamental principles; So that these are activated and exercised at an early age, as they constitute the structure on which we build our character and competences for life.
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about the
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