training cycle
advanced technician in teaching and social-sports animation (TSEAS)

The Degree of Higher Technician in Teaching and Socio-sports Animation responds to the growing demand in the Valencian Community and at national level, of qualified and specialized professionals in the world of health and sport for all ages.
Leisure and free time are becoming increasingly important due to the importance of these aspects in achieving a better quality of life. That is why it is a profession of the present and especially of the future.
- To be in possession of the Baccalaureate Degree, or a certificate of having passed all the subjects of the Baccalaureate.
- To be in possession of the Título de Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente (BUP).
- To have passed the second year of any experimental Baccalaureate.
- To be in possession of a Technical Degree (Middle Grade Vocational Training).
- To be in possession of a Higher Technical Degree, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.
- To have passed the University Orientation Course (COU).
- To be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent.
- To have passed the entrance exam to higher level training cycles (it is required to be at least 19 years old in the year the exam is taken or 18 years old for those who have a Technical degree).
- To have passed the university entrance exam for those over 25 years of age. modules
1. Group Dynamization (96 hours).
2. Physical condition assessment and intervention in accidents (192 hours).
3. Games and physical-recreational activities and tourist animation (128 hours).
4. Individual physical-sports activities (Swimming, Fitness and Athletics) (224 hours).
5. Animation and group dynamics (110 hours).
6. Methodology of teaching physical-sports activities (128 hours).
7. Training and labor orientation (96 hours).
8. Technical English I. (96 hours).
1. Leisure and free time activities (120 hours).
2.- Planning of the social and sports animation (40 hours).
3. Physical-sports activities of team (Soccer, Basketball, Handball and Volleyball) (140 hours).
4. Physical-sports activities of implements (Tennis, Paddle and Badminton) (120 hours).
5. Physical-sports activities for social inclusion (80 hours).
6. Business and entrepreneurial initiative. (60 hours.)
7. Project of teaching and social-sports animation. (40 hours).
8. Technical English II (40 hours).
9. Training in work centers (400 hours).
- The degree of Higher Technician in teaching and social-sports animation allows the access to any other training cycle of medium or higher degree, according to what is established in articles 44.2 and 41.3 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3rd, of Education.
- Monitor of individual and team physical-sports activities such as swimming, athletics, basketball, handball, soccer, volleyball, tennis, paddle tennis, etc.
- Monitor of sports activities in the school framework.
- Physical-sports and recreational entertainer, social-sports inclusion activities, evenings and shows in tourist facilities.
- Coordinator of sports animation activities and physical-sports activities in sports facilities of tourist companies or public and private entities.
- Coordinator and monitor of leisure activities for children and young people in camps, hostels, colonies, farm-schools and nature classrooms.
- Timekeeper, judge and referee in non-official sports competitions.
- Lifeguard in aquatic facilities.

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learn more about
TSEAS education cycle?
Contact us and we will attend to you personally.