

Summer Campus Online Store

This tutorial explains the steps to follow to purchase the Summer Campus services of Lope de Vega International School.

Notice: The payment of the registration fee implies the reservation of the student’s place. The amount of the receipt will not be refunded, except in duly justified causes and as long as the cancellation is requested before the beginning of the Summer Campus activities.

Step 1: Log in with your Alexia username and password and click on the enter button. If you have not yet received your username and password, please contact us at

Step 2: Once inside the platform, click on the Shop section in the My orders section.  
Step 3: Select the student for whom you want to contract the Campus.    
Step 4: Select the Summer Campus service you want to contract. For example we will select the Tennis Campus.
Step 5: Choose the service (fortnight  or monthly) and click on “Add to cart”.
Step 6: When clicking on “Add to cart” a window will appear to “View cart” or “Place order”. If we click on “View basket” there we can see all the items added. If we want to continue shopping we can access the tree on the left to access other Campuses and dining and transportation services.
Step 7: Click on the Checkout button to proceed with the payment. We will see a summary of what we are going to contract and the total price. Select the payment method “Card” by clicking on that option. In observations we will be able to comment on those aspects that we consider very important like(allergies, if the student knows how to swim, if there is any disease tomention) or some aspect that you believe necessary that the School Center should know of. Finally we check the option “I have read and accept the general contracting conditions” and click on the button “Proceed to payment”.
Step 8: This information window appears for payment by credit card. Click on the “Close” button.
Step 9: Introduce the data of your credit card in the secure payment gateway: card number, expiration date and security code. To finish the process click on the “Pay” button.